Tuesday, May 20, 2014

JMS/HS Vocal Department Schedule of Final Music Projects

Music Project Schedule

Vocal Experience
May 28th

May 29th

May 30th
Caitlin, Jon, Mike and Charlie,

June 2nd-CD’s Due
         Richard, Emily D., Andrew F.

June 3rd.
Madison and Cassie, Ashley, Rena, Mel, Raegan/Robin/Mel

June 4th 
Julia Co., Abby, Nicole, Teddy and Steven Koz

June 5th 
Emilio, Clare, Maggie D. and Co.

Music Projects  H.S.
May 28th-Evan Hentz,

June 2nd 
Naomi G., Basil/Alicia,

June 3rd 
Sara/Maria/Alette, Alicia, Dan (birthday boy), Jesse/Triese

June 4th 
Ryan K., Tim/Rory, Rachel (Bob Marley)

June 5
Jonathan B., Mia/Mimi, Ethan/Avery, Alicia/Avery

Music Project Scheudle

June 2nd-CD’s Due:
Daniel W., Mike, Kyle, Bella, Dana, Olivia, Jason

High School:
Stacey C., Casey L., Taylor S., Kimberly, Christina, Sophie, Chelsea, Olivia M., Anna Sofia O., Carl R.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Monday, May 5, 2014

And what an Adjudication it was......

Dear Parents,

101 Jenkintown High School students participated in the music adjudication performances this past weekend in Washington, D.C. It was an outstanding weekend filled with tremendous success for Jenkintown. Here is a list of awards the student groups received this weekend:

Honors' Chorale: Gold

Belle Tones: Gold

Concert Choir: Silver

Wind Ensemble: Gold

Jazz Ensemble: Gold

Outstanding Band Group Award

Sweepstakes for Instrumental Music Award

Ovation Award - Olivia Federici

JHS Music Department Adjudication May 1-4 2014